Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Working to keep your relationship.

Relationships are very complicated and if you are regular on any kind of forum or discussion group, you would see so many different stories that make you wonder how some people view their relationships. There are some relationships that are working well and some that are better of ended. Sometimes I wonder, do relationships work out just like that? Is there some secret formula successful have that the failed ones don’t have?

It has been said it takes two to tango, and I believe that statement applies to relationships. For a relationship to work out well, it takes both parties to want it to work out well. It is easy for you to read books and magazines that tell you steps on how to make your relationship but how well do you put those principles into practice.

Here are ways you can work on your relationship.

 Make every effort to stay connected. When to people love each other, they are connected on deeper levels than we can see or understand. If you loose your connection, you have lost virtually everything your relationship stands for; you more or less have lost everything.

 In times of problem, turn to each other not away from each other. Your partner should be your confidant and 2 people solving a problem is a lot easier than one person. Always stand by your partner.

 Try your best to respond to your partners needs for affection, support and attention. Every person needs attention, no matter how old we are and when we don’t get it, a large part of our needs are not met and it makes us disappointed and unhappy.

Keep working on that relationship.

Work on your relationship Here!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ways to become a better partner

I believe that everyone reading this article would agree with me that it is a lot easier getting married than staying married. All it takes to get married is meeting someone one, fall in love, make sure he loves you too, and then you get married. Do get me wrong it is not as easy as it sounds on paper but when you are in love; trust me it is really easy because all you see is the man of your dreams and a life of unending love.

After the wedding, the marriage begins and you realize that you have married a person who sucks in so many ways you never imagined and wonder how come you did not see it before. The truth is that during courtship you never really know who the person you married. The reason is that the couple would try to impress each other and put on their best behaviours and you tend overlook faults.

In situations like this you feel stuck but if you are strong, you can pull through. In times like this always look at your self and not your partner. Look at your reaction to situation to know if you are helping matters or making the situation worse.

Here are a few things you can do:

1. Be sensitive to your partner’s likes, dislikes, joy, pain, stress, fear. At all times couples should be sensitive to each others emotional feelings. If you partner is feeling stressed as a result of work related problems and you choose that time to nag, you are not being sensitive to his feelings. At all times you should try to know your partners feelings and be a confidant.

2. Know how your partner wants to be love. Just as we are our tastes and needs are different, so also everyone has their own love needs. Know how your partner wants to be loved and give it.

3. Always be prepared to cope with conflicts and stressful situations. Even with the closest of relationships there will always be conflicts so always be prepared to deal with them. After each conflicting situation always take time out to assess the situation and see where you went right or wrong.

4. Above all, forgive and forget no grudges and never bring up past problems, it does not matter who was wrong or right.

I believe if you ponder over these principles, you are on you way to a happy married life.

If you want to know more,Click this link!


Monday, September 28, 2009

How to make your marriage last

Marriage was made last forever, at least so the Holy Book says, but what is that we say in marriages today. The rate of divorce keeps rising everyday. Some marriages don’t even last up till a year before they end and this makes me wonder is getting married is actually worth it.

After all is said and done, I have come to find out that some marriages have lasted as long as 50 years and still counting, so what is the secret to the success of such marriages? In order to answer these questions, I would like to let you know that just as there are success tips for making your marriage work, there are also some habits and behaviours you should desist from.

The main thing that causes breakdown in any marriage is the trend of negative interactions. What I mean by this is when you and your partner have this endless string of negative interactions such as

1. Emotional shutdown or lack of responsiveness in response to any form communication.

2. Being on the defensive and not taking the time to listen to each other.

3. Criticizing and attacking your partner’s instead of addressing wrong behaviour.

4. Sarcasm and disrespectfulness to or about your partner.

Having said this, I bet we would like to know what to do to make your marriage last. The key is to learn how to resolve your own marriage in a manner that is fair and acceptable to you and your partner. You must also learn how to give 5 positives for every negative.

Click Here if you want to learn how to make your marriage work


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How to bring back the spark in your sex life

Are you tired of your sex life? You have been married for 2, 3 years or even a year and do not look forward to being with your partner every morning or night because it has become boring, monotonous and uninteresting. Not to worry in the next 5 minutes, I will tell you a few things that you can do to spice up your sex life.

Thousands of couples all around the world have experienced this so don’t fret because you will not be the first or last to go through this phase and it is very possible to get out of it as many couples have done in time past.

Let me show you tried and tested was to bring the spark into your sex life

1. Be very attentive. Gone are the days when sex was wham bam, lets get it over and done with and the likes of that. Sex was designed for pleasure and to be able to give and receive such pleasure, you should at all times pay attention to your partners. Make it a duty to give your partner the pleasure he or she desires.

2. Try new things. There are a lot of sex games you can read about in books and on the internet. Try to find a new way to pleasure your partner and encourage your partner to do same.

3. Foreplay. This is very important in sex, a lot men are not really interested in foreplay but remember that your wife is not your girlfriend or a prostitute, to get the best from her you have to give her what she needs.

4. Find out what your partner likes. Just as we are all different so are our needs and desires, find out what your partner likes and does not like, favourite positions, moves etc and pleasure him or her accordingly.

5. Avoid mistakes. There are a lot of mistakes people make when it comes to having great sex such as smells, moves, etc. Try to find out these mistakes and avoid them.

Try these few tips and I bet you will be having more sex than your thought you would.

Before i go i would like you to get this wonderful book that has everthing you need to have a better sex life.Click Here!


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Get Mr Right

Have you been wondering if you can ever find the right man on the internet, well worry no more because now you can.

I would like to introduce this new book to you, it will tell you how to get and keep a man. For only $27 get the solution to your problems.

Wishing you the best.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Be the woman men want to be with.

Do you ever wonder what makes a man want a woman? Have you seen a man who wants only one woman so much that no matter how pretty, loving and great the one he is with is, all he is interested in is this woman of his dreams he has met.

Think about Prince Charles and Camilla, in spite of the fact that Prince Charles had a pretty wife who was loved by the whole world, he still wanted Camilla at all cost and against all odds, he want ahead and married her.

History has a lot of these kinds of stories but do you ever wonder what it is about these women that men just want them so much. What are these women doing that others that get dumped are not. What makes a man want a woman so much that he just can’t live without her?

Let me ask you this question? How much do you know about men? Most women tend to always talk to their girlfriends about their relationships and if your girlfriend is not a relationship therapist, I don’t think you will get the right advice, she is not in a man’s head.

Some others feel that doing everything they read in magazines will make them get the man of their dreams but really does it work out. From what I have heard, it still hasn’t worked out. So what is the secret, the secret is giving a man what he wants. By that I don’t mean only cooking the best meals or learning new bedroom tricks,

Men may not admit it openly, but they want to be enraptured by a woman. They want to be lured, finessed, bewitched, possessed and seduced by a woman -- and they don't mind surrendering to her manoeuvrings and be rendered powerless by her. A man would gladly give anything to the woman who can make him feel good.

Check it out here!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Getting your ex back, tips to consider.

Getting back together with your ex may seem easy or not but to go about it, you have to be tactical. If you really want to get back with your ex, there are some factors you should consider.

1. Come to term with the breakup. Couples have fights and split all the time, so having a break up is not a new phenomenon. It is part of the process of finding the right person for you. So you have to come to terms with the fact that it has happened and deal with that.

2. Think about the reason for the break up. Think through thoroughly about the reason for the breakup. Was it a fight or a misunderstanding? Is it something that can be resolved? Did you cheat on your partner or your partner cheated on you? Are you willing to forgive your partner or yourself and forget? Do you want your ex back because you love him or don’t want to be alone.

3. Work on yourself. Think back on the reasons why your partner was attracted to you, are you still that same person? Do you still take time out to look great?

4. First impression matters. As it is said you should always try to make a good first impression. That applies to this situation. The things you say to him/her matters a lot. Don’t beg or sound like if he/she does not come back to you, you are better of dead. Say what you want and confidently.

5. Take advantage of the past. Take advantage of past events that made him/her say good things about you. Met at a place where you love to hang out, wear an outfit that he loves, and remind him/her of lovely memories you shared.

Try these few steps and you sure are on your way to getting your ex back.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

You can get your ex back

A coeback romance is trying to get your ex back after this big fight or quarrel. If yo still love him/her, you can get your ex back to you.

How to know you want your ex back?

Do you suffer from these symptoms?

You can’t sleep.
You check your phone or machine for missed calls and messages.
You don’t want to go out in case you miss his/her call.
You can’t eat.
You do everything possible not to hear your favorite songs.
Think about why he left you.
Call him endlessly.
Think of what to say when next you see him as in you imagine the scenario and think about what will happen.
Nothing matters to you anymore

If you do then a comeback is definitely for you.

All you have to do is reverse the step you have taken. Stop felling angry at him/her and see your partner as who he/she is “The love of your life”

Create a scenario to make your ex want to come back. Try to talk to your ex and be careful what you say. Don’t blame him or her for what happened. You know you were wrong, admit it. Let him/her know you still love him and thin about him/her and above all, do the right thing at the right time.

There is more to this, you don't expect me to exhaust all in one swing. If you really want more which i know you do.Its right here! Good stuff for you so you can get your ex back and keep him/her.



Hi everybody welcome to my blog. My name is Linda Etuokwu. First of am wondering, when you see the name between the sheets we all know where our minds go to sex. Yeah right everyone wants to have a great sex life which is good and i will explore that too but same as having great sex we all will love a great love life. I for one will love to have both and we all have the ability but the difference is that u can have great sex with as much as a hundred or even a thousand people in your life time to you can only have a great love life with only one person. While some people spend thier entire lifetime finding that one person, for others it happens to them the first time. Like me, i guess you wonder, Why is it so? Maybe its just that some of them know what what they want and how to get it while some others i will say are just plain lucky because Love they say is like gift wrapped up in very beautiful wrapper, whatever you see when you open ii it what you will get. Jus flow with me this is gonna be fun.