Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ways to become a better partner

I believe that everyone reading this article would agree with me that it is a lot easier getting married than staying married. All it takes to get married is meeting someone one, fall in love, make sure he loves you too, and then you get married. Do get me wrong it is not as easy as it sounds on paper but when you are in love; trust me it is really easy because all you see is the man of your dreams and a life of unending love.

After the wedding, the marriage begins and you realize that you have married a person who sucks in so many ways you never imagined and wonder how come you did not see it before. The truth is that during courtship you never really know who the person you married. The reason is that the couple would try to impress each other and put on their best behaviours and you tend overlook faults.

In situations like this you feel stuck but if you are strong, you can pull through. In times like this always look at your self and not your partner. Look at your reaction to situation to know if you are helping matters or making the situation worse.

Here are a few things you can do:

1. Be sensitive to your partner’s likes, dislikes, joy, pain, stress, fear. At all times couples should be sensitive to each others emotional feelings. If you partner is feeling stressed as a result of work related problems and you choose that time to nag, you are not being sensitive to his feelings. At all times you should try to know your partners feelings and be a confidant.

2. Know how your partner wants to be love. Just as we are our tastes and needs are different, so also everyone has their own love needs. Know how your partner wants to be loved and give it.

3. Always be prepared to cope with conflicts and stressful situations. Even with the closest of relationships there will always be conflicts so always be prepared to deal with them. After each conflicting situation always take time out to assess the situation and see where you went right or wrong.

4. Above all, forgive and forget no grudges and never bring up past problems, it does not matter who was wrong or right.

I believe if you ponder over these principles, you are on you way to a happy married life.

If you want to know more,Click this link!
